I am putting the final touches on some graphs, charts, and tables that show the results (and how-to's) of my red fox survey between the months of this March, 2013 and March, 2014 in park lands and private lands of Northern Virginia.
Results include current living foxes, foxes that have been hit by cars (or died by other means), foxes that have moved out of the area, and fox kits
Here is a very watered-down and simplistic version of my data:
In a 24 acre plot, there were 3 individual red foxes
In a 60 acre plot, there were 4 individual red foxes.
In a 350 acre plot, I've found that there were at least 7 individual red foxes.
In a 430 acre plot, there were 9 individual red foxes.
In a 600 acre plot, there were 9 individual red foxes.
I get this data by comparing camera-trap images of different cameras set up in each park. A red fox that appears at one camera (under normal circumstances) cannot be the same red fox that appears at another camera 1 mile away, 30 seconds later. BAM! That's two individual foxes. Some red foxes look completely different from eachother, others are a little more difficult to recognize. Figure in more parks and a heck of a lot more cameras, and results like this pour in to my computer on a daily basis.